The pieced border that Bonnie Hunter designed for this quilt is absolutely perfect. The border really sets off the quilt very well! I was quite surprised that the border went together so easily. I was very careful in my measurements, pressed and trimmed each block to the exact size before stitching it together. The extra care made all the difference. The border blocks fit together perfectly and attached to the inner border exactly as they were supposed to fit.
The quilting step that I really dislike doing is the basting. However, since I adopted the method used by Sharon Schamber, basting has become much less of a hassle. You can find Sharon's basting videos on You Tube. There are 2 videos to watch which are easy to follow.
Now that my basting is finished, it's time to start the quilting on my Elna Pro Quilter's Dream.
Wow, your quilts are so pretty and your border turned out so perfect. Great job. I also love your featherweight carrier, it's a beauty.
While I'm at it, your Carolina crossroads is awesome.
It looks lovely!
HEY! I'm glad I'm not the only one still working on Carolina Christmas. I need to find my motivation for this quilt again---I am to the border stage.
This is my 3rd bout with Poison Ivy/Oak. The 1st---I was a kid playing hide-n-seek while camping. THAT was a bad one because I had it ALLLL over. The 2nd was two years ago---must have brushed up against it somehow/somewhere---no clue. And now....At least NOW I know what it looks like!!! I just put on a backup pair of gloves an hour ago and went outside to pull the 6 or 7 small plants I found, AND INSTANTLY threw the gloves in the garbage. The LAST thing I want is for the kids to get this; they have been educated as to where it is though and they are FORBIDDEN to go near that area.
I'm kickin back with a bag of ice on my face......slow typing, but that's okay.
Hang in there as well!!!!!!
I forgot to comment her eon this post yesterday when I was visiting -but wanted to say that your CC mystery looks sooooo Beautiful! Especially with your "Bonnie Like" plaids and shirtings ;)
and THANK you for posting the link to the basting video!!! That is new to me ;)
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
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